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azot-trans more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: херсон
Street: домостроительная11
Phone: +380 50 6437229
Fax: +380 50 6437229
Firm Rank: 0
The Limited Liability Company �Azote-Trans Ltd� is a strong conglomerate company with blistering production pace. It has turned in a good performance at the market since 1997. From the very first the company�s work has been planned according to the golden rule of long-term stability. That means that we have showed up at the market not with get-rich-quick schemes, which would bring us to quick ruin. We are resolved to work with a businesslike and well-directed approach for many years to come.[...]

ALANTA-TRADE Co., Ltd. more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Kryviy Rih
Street: 1, Nikopolske highroad
Phone: +380 564 054002
Fax: +380 564 054002
Firm Rank: 0
«ALANTA-TRADE» Co. Ltd. is wooden treated sleepers and treated crossing timbers manufacturer. The sleepers and timbers manufacturing process includes the following stages: selection of wood raw material of proper quality, preparation for impregnation, shrinkage and impregnation with protecting agents. The impregnation of wood is made in three ways (optional): - dipping in oil antiseptic agents, GOST 2002.6-93; - autoclave treatment with antiseptic protective agents, GOST 20022.5-93; -[...]

VILIS Joint-Stock Company LTD more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Street: p/b-27
Phone: +380 67 4165050
Fax: +380 44 4552970
Firm Rank: 0
Dear Sirs, We are looking for reliable and capable companies for representation our company in promoting & selling products. In return we offer Commissions on Successful business transactions. We are ready to develop cooperation on the basis of mutual interest. We search for the partner for expansion of the market of selling are. We hope to cooperate for a long time. My main purpose - long-term cooperation with the companies from your country. Our strategic development basic on possible alliances[...]

Transport Company E. Express-Universal more [polish] [english]

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Dneprodzerdzinsk
Street: Respublikanskiy
Phone: +38 0569 505390
Fax: +38 0569 505290
Firm Rank: 0
The Transport Company " Express -Universal" - Management on granting oversize cargo goods on companies transporting special cargoes goods. We Transport by itself special cargoes car from West Europe on Ukraine - Russia. We Invite to cooperation of the companies , company having specific transport and special cargoes.[...]

Александр more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Днепропетровск
Street: Кирова
Phone: +38 096 5309764
Fax: +38 056 7135280
Firm Rank: 0

ООО "ТПК "Республика" more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Луганск
Street: Куракина
Phone: +38 0642 588873
Fax: +38 0642 588875
Firm Rank: 0

Expotour more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Киев
Street: Полупанова,14
Phone: +38 044 5921456
Fax: +38 044 5921456
Firm Rank: 0

LCS Logistics Ukraina more

Country: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
City: Żytomierz
Street: Vitruka 9a
Phone: +38 0412 445825
Fax: +38 0412 445825
Firm Rank: 0
Szanowni Panstwo, LCS Logistics Ukraina oferuje pelny kompleks uslug logistycznych w zakresie przewozow miedzynarodowych. Firma LCS Logictics powstala w 2001 roku i od tej pory dynamicznie sie rozwija. Tutaj z powodzeniem realizujemy postawione przed nami cele oraz posiadamy bogate doswiadczenie w przewozach roznego rodzaju ladunkow zarowno na eksport jak i na import. Indywidualnie podchodzimy do kazdego klienta i rozwiazujemy postawione przed nami zadania zgodnie z zyczeniami i oczekiwaniami[...]